Doom Emacs Cheat Sheet

The Ultimate Doom Emacs Cheatsheet Command Abbreviations. C - “Control” key; M - “M” or “option/alt” key; s - “Command” key; SPC - “Space” key; General. SPC f s for saving the current file; SPC: for entering a command SPC q q to close Emacs; SPC f D to delete this file; Projects with Projectile. SPC p p to open a project; SPC SPC to open a file in a project; SPC o p to. Emacs Doom E05: Installing Packages with org-super-agenda as an example. Space f p to open the config. To add a package, add the package to.doom.d/package.el; then close and doom refresh; then go to.doom.d/config.el to configure the package; def-package! Spacemacs and Doom Emacs packages in Debian This page contains a list of Spacemacs and Doom Emacs packages in the Debian archive maintained by the Debian Emacsen team. For motivation, see: #828154.

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Emacs has two types of search and replace functions: unconditional and queried.

Note: If you aren't sure how to enter the followingcommands in Emacs, see How keystrokes are denoted in Emacs

Emacs commands cheat sheet

Unconditional search and replace

Doom Emacs Cheat Sheet

To perform an unconditional search and replace, pressM-x. Then enter:

Replace your_search_string with the existing text string you want to find and remove, and replace your_replace_string with the new text you want to add in its place.

Queried search and replace

To do a queried search and replace (with a prompt for replacing each occurrence of a text string), press M-%. You will then be prompted for your search and replace strings. Emacs will find and display each occurrence of the search string and ask you for further instructions. You can respond with any of the following options:

Leave text as is and find the next occurrence
. (period)
! (exclamation point)
Replace all occurrences without asking
^ (caret)

If you type any other character, Emacs will stop looking for occurrences and execute the character as a command. To restart the queried search and replace, type:

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Pages about Emacs, the best editor ever.

  • The official Emacs website – Documentation page here. Note: They capitalize the “E” in “Emacs” even if “Emacs” is in the middle of a sentence; so should you.
  • Emacs wiki –
  • Wikemacs – Another Emacs wiki
  • Emacs Stack Exchange –
  • Emacs subreddit –
  • Orgmode docs at orgmode site –
  • Orgmode subreddit –
  • Emacs news from Sacha Chua – is this where Dar gets his news from?
  • Videos at Emacs Rocks –

Some Emacs cheat sheets:

  • Bob Rogers’ cheat sheet (he also has an interesting page on Common Lisp) –
  • Dave Herman’s cheat sheet as a gist on Github –
  • A cheat sheet on EmacsWiki –
  • Another one on EmacsWiki that looks different than the rest of the site –
  • Tom’s Emacs Cheat Sheet –
  • Kablamo’s Emacs Cheat Sheet –
  • A post on this site quoting a comment on Hacker News about Emacs commands –

A few Emacs start kits/configs:

  • Doom Emacs –
  • Flying Machine’s emacs – This is from the author of Clojure For The Brave and True. It is mainly centered on Clojure development, but it also works as a general config. He includes a quick Emacs tutorial in his book. As of 2021-03-13, my Emacs config is based heavily on his.
  • Prelude – From its documentation: “Prelude is an Emacs distribution that aims to enhance the default Emacs experience.” Github link here.
  • Spacemacs –

If you want to try multiple configs, you can switch between them with Chemacs.

The EmacsWiki recommends newbies start at the EmacsNewbie page.

Here is a page from the EmacsWiki on installing packages.


There are some galleries of Emacs themes: One by someone named Pawel Bx, and a site called “Emacs Themes.”

A cheat sheet on ParEdit. Here is another one on EmacsWiki. A page with notes on ParEdit. Another page with notes. To enclose an s-expression in parentheses, use M-x paredit-wrap-round. To eliminate parentheses but keep what is inside, use M-x paredit-splice-sexp just inside the parenthesis you want to eliminate, to the right of the first element. According to the cheat sheet, you can go from:

To: Apowersoft screen recorder free.

To toggle on/off line numbers: M-x linum-mode.

Based on this answer on Stack Overflow, to comment out an s-expression while using ParEdit, go to the beginning and hit M-x mark-sexp, then M-x comment-dwim. I know everyone loves shortcuts, but now I am using a bunch of modes I got from Clojure For the Brave And True that I have decided to go with functions. 1password safe for travel.

One mode I like is smex mode (see this page on the emacs wiki). This will do auto-complete when you type in function names. Just hit M-x, and it will display the last functions you used. To get what command a key-binding is bound to, use: M-x describe-key and put in the key-binding, or M-x describe-bindings to get all bindings (see this answer on Stack Overflow).

To see your mode: M-x describe-mode RET (C-h m) t

And I am still getting tabs of two spaces, not four.

Posts on this site about Emacs:

  • I have a page on Emacs buffers here.
  • Someone left a comment on Hacker News with a short Emacs survival guide that I quoted here.
  • A few tricks I learned while using Emacs to edit Go (although the commands are not Go-specific).
  • Starting Org Mode –

Linux Emacs Cheat Sheet

That is all for now.

Doom Emacs On Windows 10

You’re welcome.

Doom Emacs Cheat Sheets

Image from Codex Amiatinus, a 6th century Vulgate manuscript housed at the Laurentian Library in Florence. Image from Wikimedia. This image is assumed to be allowed under Fair Use.